Canadian Indigenous Cognitive Assessment (CICA) Introductory and Training Videos

CICA Opening

CICA Part 1A

CICA Part 1B

CICA Part 2

CICA Part 3
CICA Training Materials
CICA Scoring Videos
CICA Core Toolkit
Anishinaabe Supplement
The CICA and the CICA Guidebook are free to download, copy and distribute.
The CICA cannot be modified. Changes to the questions or design on the CICA will invalidate its use.
If you are interested in developing a regionally-specific adaptation or translation of the CICA, we ask that you do this in discussion with the original authors. Please begin by contacting: Dr. Jennifer Walker jennifer.walker@mcmaster.ca
The CICA materials are intended to be freely available to those who need them. Under no circumstance can any entity charge for the CICA materials or place them behind any type of paywall or restricted access.
Our suggested citation for the CICA is:
Jacklin, K., Pitawanakwat, K., Blind, M., Warry, W., Walker, J. D., O'Connell, M. E., Smith, K., LoGiudice, D., & Flicker, L. (2018). Canadian Indigenous Cognitive Assessment (CICA). Retrieved from: https://www.i-caare.ca/cica-training-materials
When referencing the CICA materials, please use the following citation format:
Jacklin, K., Pitawanakwat, K., Blind, M., Warry, W., Walker, J. D., O'Connell, M. E., Smith, K., LoGiudice, D., & Flicker, L. (2019). Canadian Indigenous Cognitive Assessment (CICA): <Insert Name of Material>. Retrieved from: https://www.i-caare.ca/toolkit
When referencing the CICA Training Videos, please use the following citation format:
​<Insert Last Name, First Initials of Presenter> (Year, Month, Day). <Insert Name of Video> [Video file]. Retrieved from: https://www.i-caare.ca/cica-training-materials